Local Blue Shift

The Local Blue Shift may be 15 to 28.
But first, some background on the 15 figure.

Dimension Flow Essay for an 8D Physic
The meaning of the formula for the electric field
magnitude E involves the proton radius r.

E = r^2 / qR^2 times a constant
The electric field E is due to r amount of dimension to
flow a distance of r out of each proton in a radial direction.
A time constant of 3.8*10^-29 seconds is used to model
a velocity domain dimensional definition. That time constant
is in q, the proton charge definition. See the
gravito-Maxwellian Magnitudes.

Square root functions in the 8D theory are in the
neo-Maxwell formulas. The square root is interpreted
in 8D geometry. Magnetic flux cutting
involves these area and line dimension flow velocities
being added into an existing flow velocity.

Take an area and make a line using square root for B.
Rake a membrane and make a flow using square root for H.
Take a contraflow 3D and make a real area using sqrt for q.
Ht can deliver full momentum p0 to a paired particle.

The gravito-Maxwellian Magnitudes formulas is r and two
time constants to model the foundation of how
things really work. The velocity of a dimension like Ex

The second^2 in the formula for E is due to differentiation
during a derivation alternate. That can be from a second
derivative in dt. There are more than two
ways to describe a physic. Similarly, the permittivity
and permeability use a "meter^2" factor in a numerator or
denominator. Those units may be derived from integrals
using dx.

The ratio of tau_e over tau is examined. Specifically,
a ratio of 30 is estimated as W:

W = tau / ((tau_e)^1/3)
W = 5/crt38 x 10^-9+10
W = 15.249
So it tau replaced tau_e^1/3 the 1/10 in q would be 1/2.56 and in E, the 2^8 would be 100. So why bother with 8D instead of 4D?
Because time is expanding the universe at positive infinity is
different than magnet time expanding the distance between
two magnets.

The ratio of Schwarzschild density to proton density is
about 40. Confirm this.

Dimension, Name, Description, flow from proton surface

1 t time tau out

2 x in

3 y in

4 z in r=.95fm

5 Ht magnet time tau_e in

6 Ex out

7 Ey out

8 Ez out r=.95fm


Essay on the gravity field

Gravity g field formula for N particles
Here is a new formula for gravity from protons and neutrons.
r is the proton radius, which determines gravity.

g = 2 r^3 N1 / (3 R^2 5.13*10^-9 second^2)

r = 0.9500000*10^-15 meters
for 1 proton at a 1 meter radius R, the g acceleration field is
g = 1.113841*10^-37 Newtons
That is the value expected from
a standard, mass oriented formula.
This new g formula is not using mass, only the number N1 of
protons or neutrons. A neutron has radius r. The constant
"5ns seconds" is capital C. That time constant represents
the conservation of continuum as space drains for gravity.

C = 5.131534*10^-9 second^2

g = 2N1 r^3/(3CR^2)

f = 2 N1 N2 r^3/(3CR^2) = force of gravity on N2
where N1 is the number of baryons in a first mass M1
where N2 is the number of baryons in a second mass M2

This message was from The Gravity Volume Theory

Essay On probation:
The ratio W3 of force of electric charges and force of gravitating matter shows coefficients:

W3 = 87.98 / 3.13

That is named the Local Blue Shift factor, as a proposed concept.

tau = 5.1 x 10^-9 seconds

tau_e = 3.810615 x 10^-29 seconds

Force from charges and force from gravity:

f = 87.98 (sqrt(tau_e second) / sqrt(V)) * (qQ/RR) * meter^5/2 per second^3

f = 3.13 (cuberoot(V) / (sqrt(tau second) second) * mM/RR

December 24, 2016

January 12, 2017

Atomic Scale Relation
m/(r alpha) = q/(4 pi a) = 2.41 * 10^-10 meters

where m is proton mass, r is proton radius .95fm
alpha = 1/137.035
q is proton charge, a is Bohr radius
tau = 5.131534 * 10^-9 seconds, averaged over 5 planets
Those numbers agree within 0.22 %

Cross-Continuum Relation
1 second * a = tau meter sqrt(2) alpha

Discussion: Both sides agree within 0.08 % for the
cross continuum relation (CCR). This relation was
discovered using the Axiom Powers Theorem. The
axiom of the gravity volume theory endows tau with
unity status, and it is therefore used to convert
"olde science constants alpha and a" into the modern
tau and r domain. This primitive factorization of
all branches of physics clarifies many questions.
The CCR left side shows a time and a distance
multiplied. The Bohr radius times a second equals
tau, the universal constant for the conservation
of continuum, times a distance.

Atomic Scale
Volume is 4/3 pi r^3 so the radius r is treated as
a quantum value. Compared to the Bohr Radius (a) the
proton r is more primitive and fundamental. Therefore
it was expected that (a) could be translated into it
primitive dimensions of tau and r.

m/(r alpha) = q/(4 pi a) = 2.41 Angstroms
A balance of moments is implied by that form. The left
side has mass and the right side charge, representing
something about an atom. The formula can be re-arranged:

m(4 pi a) = q(r alpha)

mass times distance equals charge times a different distance.
This is expected to be useful in a resonance equation next year.
These two formulas are useful when going from old science
to modern scientific constants. The units of measure are explained

in my book from 2015,

The Strength of Gravity vs. Charge.
See The Periodic Table of Units of Measure.

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