Permeability Unified

Factors of Permeability of Free Space

Permeability of free space =  μ0

μ0  = 1.256637 * 10^-6 Henrys per meter

The following theory is derived here:

μ0 = π2 r second / (√2 τ meter2)

mass times acceleration = qv X B  Force formula

m d^2/dt^2 (x) = q dx/dt X μ0H

μ0 = (m/qH) dx/dt

In primitive units H is a velocity. Normalize to 1 meter per second.

Set dx/dt = 1 meter / second

Use The Atomic Scale Relation

m / (r alpha) = q / (4 pi a)

m = qr alpha / (4 pi a)

where a is Bohr radius, alpha is 1/137, r is proton radius
q is proton charge, m is proton mass

New formula for magnetic field intensity H

Based in gravity research, H has been given
a formula using the most primitive factors.
r is the proton radius and tau is 5.13ns, a
universal constant to conserve continuum.
This is the magnitude of H without vectors.
This uses An 8 Dimensional Physic. The mass=area
theorem also provides the charge=area theorem.

H = magnetic field intensity from Maxwell
H = Amps per meter = meter per second

January 8, 2017

Use the

Cross Continuum Scaling formula

alpha = 1/137 = a second / (tau meter *1.414)


Dated Earlier

H = 2.888 N sqrt(r tau meter)*second^(-3/2)*(v/v1)

This is verified using the characteristic
impedance of free space, Z. E is known from
old science at one meter for one proton.

Z =  E/H = 376 ohms = 376.73 per second

H = 6.3781 * 10^-12 Amperes per meter
H is shown for one proton that is one meter
from a paired electron that is moving at
1 meter per second. H is independent of distance
from a proton to a paired electron.

N is the number of protons paired to N
remote electrons. v is the velocity of the
proton relative to the electron or
other proton. v1 is 1 meter per second,
a normalized velocity.
The gravito-Maxwellian Equations a
re ready for traction 8D theories.


Here is data for a precision check of normalized gravito-Maxwellian variables and constants.
N = 1, M = 1, v = 1 meter/second, R = 1 meter, v1 = 1 meter per second

D = 1.27622 * 10^(-20) Coulomb per square meter

E = 1.44141 * 10^(-9) Volts per meter

H = 6.3781 * 10^-12 Ampere per meter

B = 40 sqrt((r^3) / tau) * Mv (meter^(-3/2)) / (v1 second^(1/2))

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